Thursday, November 9, 2017

Bugs, why does it always have to be Bugs

Here are my honest thoughts and reactions to watching Disney's Wreck-It Ralph
  • Just from the start, I love Ralph. Is that supposed to happen?
  • It says a lot of the animators to successfully portray animation in an animated movie, like the video game characters and such
  • It’s interesting how they make the bad guy really the good guy in the movie
  • OMG Bad-anon: a bad guys support group. Brilliant
  • Really great message there to really love yourself and that labels don’t define us
  • This whole movie is such a creative idea, props to whoever thought of it initially
  • Loving Ralph even more because of his sarcasm
  • Wow, do I hate Gene.
  • Qubert is adorable !!
  • Love the strong female character. Especially how the voice actress is Jane Lynch
  • Ralph is reacting the same way I do when I see a bug: scream and run
  • I definitely ship Felix and Sargent Calhoun
  • Now I wouldn’t mind living in Sugar Rush, all the candy and such yumm
  • Poor Ralph, don’t you know that the medal won’t help you? You’re making it define you, thus making it take over your life
  • “are you a hobo?” classic. Side note: how do game characters know what a hobo is?
  • Not a fan of Vanellope. This whole movie would be able to end if she hadn’t been so annoying to take his medal. But I guess in order for the characters to grow and change, there needs to be a dilemma. Oh Hollywood
  •  “Cybugs will chew up that game faster than a chicken hawk in a coop of crippled roosters.” I need to start using this saying more often!  
  • Why does Disney have to go and do that now. Gosh that’s so sad! Her husband was eaten by one of those nasty things!!
  • WAIT is this what hoverboards were inspired from? If so, I’d rather have the one in the game than those flammable ones created here
  • Ok, scratch wanting to live in sugar rush. Too much sugar gives me a stomach ache
  • These sugar rush avatar names are so strange. Whoever wrote them must’ve had a great time figuring out those haha
  • Is it technically murder when Ralph throws the “towns people” around and smooshes some of them? Do they just reprogram ?
  • Wow, I LOVE the little details they put into this movie. The Oreo soldiers chanting “O-REO, O_REEEO” is brilliant
  • GREAT Darth Vader and Indiana Jones references
  • People to add to my dislike list in this movie: pretty much every character in Sugar Rush.
  • When they were tearing apart her car, there was some parallels to the movie Cinderella, when the stepsisters were tearing apart her dress
  • AH so close. Come on Calhoun accept the romance
  • Way to make lemonade out of lemons Vanellope
  • “are you hurt sire?” “no, he just glazed me.” Yet another example of the comical genius these writers are
  • The scene where Ralph is teaching Vanellope to drive is so wholesome, and yet, reminds me a bunch of when my brothers were learning to drive/ride a bike --> lots of starting and stopping and crashes haha 
  •  That greedy o’l king candy needs to stop cheating. Cheaters never win
  •  Oh Felix, ya need to turn down the obsession just a little bit to not appear creepy
  • The grammar stickler in me appreciates how she spelled “you’re” right on the medal
  • Poor Ralph, just trying to do the right thing and he gets pushed down because of it.
  • Gosh Felix your so blind to your surroundings!
  • Ralph and Vanellope’s relationship is so cute, with nicknames and everything haha
  • Thinking back to my old Mario Kart days
  • King Candy’s reaction to seeing Vanellope is priceless
  • Yet another line I need to use more often, “Sweet mother of monkey milk.”
  • IT MAKES SENSE NOW! Dangit turbo, don’t ya know cheaters never win?
  • I’m so nervous I’ve completely forgotten how they solve all these problems and I hate that I don’t know
  • Of course turbo returns. And even worse AS A BUG
  • Wow only Disney can turn an outsider into a princess and then take a jab at monarchies all in one swing 

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