Monday, October 16, 2017

I Knew Percy Wasn't Inherently Evil

These are my honest thoughts and observations as I watch Pocahontas:
·      The beginning made me initially think of the Little Mermaid because they both start off with seagulls flying past and cawing.
·      Notice how they make all the other men not as good looking (add facial hair, bulkier, cockney accents, etc.) than the hero, John Smith.
·      The moment you see that carriage barreling through the streets, you know that whoever is in it must be the supposed bad guy or villain
·      Oh wow, I forgot how flamboyant Governor Ratcliffe was … OH A DOG YAY
This is another perfect example of how Disney feminizes their male villains too. He has braids and bows in his hair, he is overdressed in purple-pink (compared to the other men in blue and brown), and has no trimmed features like the other men do (well-fed)
·      Gosh this movie has sooo many editing similarities as the Little Mermaid. The ship in a storm scene is almost identical seeming
·     Ironic how John Smith is the only man who can secure the cannons in the storm, when there are plenty others around to help. But hey, he is the hero. And a cute one at that.
·      Aw, please don’t leave him behind to drown !! Oh dang, that’s impressive. YGG Smith
·      Of course, Gov. Ratcliffe “didn’t notice” the storm.
·      I never noticed until now, but his little henchman is quite feminine as well. Very skinny, has a higher pitched voice, is clumsy, etc.
·      Oh no, I forgot that this dog is supposed to be evil too … Disney must’ve designed his personality around that of a cat’s
·      Hundreds of new lands you say? Hmm ok. There are only 195 countries in the world today, and I know back in the 1800s, there were definitely less than 195.
·      If a viewer didn’t have any prior knowledge of native Americans before seeing this movie, at this point you would certainly think they were savages
·      Oh wait, here come the Indians, yess
·      Again, why do they have to make every female look pretty much the same?
·      Ah, I love the part where the woman is so excited to see her (presumed) husband that she rushes and knocks them both in the water. Very cute
·      AGAIN! Just like Ariel had missed her welcoming ceremony thing to explore, Pocahontas misses the return of her father and the men because she is exploring
Hahaha Miko’s response to Pocahontas marrying Kocoum is wonderful 
·      AHHH Yes Flit and Miko !!! they are adorable omg
·      Omg omg PANIC ATTACK nope would never jump off a cliff that large. Only in Disney movies could someone actually survive that
·      Miko is me jumping off the water fall. At first thinks it is going to be fun, then IMMEDIATELY regrets it and flops
·      I appreciate Pocahontas’ sarcasm, especially about Kocoum
·      Another example of how Disney creates similar characters in their movies à the father/chief wants his daughter to marry
·      This animation is so colorful!
·      Oh, I feel another song coming on! “Just around the river benndddddd”

·      Why does this girl love danger? First jumping off waterfalls and now white-water rafting
·      Where can you get a wise talking tree?   
·      Aww love at first sight (kinda)
·      Miko is just so adorable
·      It’s so sad to see them tear apart the land for nothing
·      Aww it really is love, or wonder, at first sight!
·      Smart Pocahontas, run !
·      Ugh, not smart, don’t trust strangers ! yes, he’s cute but that doesn’t excuse him for anything
·      How did she just learn English ?
·      “a man is not a man until he knows how to shoot.” …. Wow ok. And is a woman not a woman unless she knows how to cook?
·      I think Flit is definitely the brains in the bunch
·      OH, bad wording John. Don’t call them savages or claim that you know better 1) because you really don’t know better and 2) she’s a woman, we are almost always right 

·      Boom. Tell him Pocahontas !! “But still I cannot see, if the savage one is me. How can there be so much that you don’t know?”
·      Nakoma’s reactions to seeing John, then Pocahontas saying she’s already met him, and so forth, are so funny! 
·      I love Pocahontas’ reaction to John seeing Grandmother willow show her face to him, he’s so freaked out haha
·      These poor Indians have no idea what they are getting into.
·      Also, poor Kocoum doesn’t have any idea that Pocahontas is a lost cause  
·      I think Miko is my spirit animal. Clumsy and always eating
·      Gov. Ratcliffe should think twice before he says anything more about this land being his because all his lazy bum has done is eat and complain, whereas everyone else has been slaving away
·      Ok Pocahontas, you really didn’t see this coming? You kiss a “bad guy” in your people’s eyes WHEN YOU ARE ENGAGED to another, and its honestly surprising that your fiancé comes to fight the bad guy ?
·      Watching this movie is making me realize how much my opinions have changed since I was 10. I am now siding with the chief and believe that marrying Kocoum would be best when I used to adore John (don’t get me wrong, I still do), but he just needs to pack his stuff and go before war starts
·      I’m so conflicted watching this fight! Can they both just live, PLEASE
·      NO ugh why couldn’t they just let them both live !! poor Kocoum didn’t deserve this fate.

·      I really hate to say it, but Pocahontas really needs to learn the lesson of obedience  
·      Wow, why do I not remember a song sung by John Smith?? It’s so sweet. 
·      Of course, Ratcliffe takes this opportunity of John’s peril for his own bidding
·      This song reminds me a lot of “The Mob Song” from Beauty and the Beast
o   Very ironic lines saying “they are not like you and me, which means they must be evil.” (sung by ratcliffe) and “They are different than us, which means they can’t be trusted.” (sung by Kekata)
·      OH MY GOSH I never understand the purpose of the compass until now! It’s like her dream coming to life. Wow, I am so slow. (I also haven’t seen this since I was 10, so) 

·      I guess war would’ve come anyways even if Pocahontas had not met John Smith so I am now not as upset that she was so reckless at the beginning.
·      Ratcliffe strikes again with his terrible ideas. Please someone stop him
·      They don’t show bullet wounds in this movie, interesting.
·      RED EYES!! Ratcliffe had red eyes when they chained him and threw him in the boat!
·      I KNEW IT the dog couldn’t be permanently evil. He’s so sweet now
·      They kiss right there, in front of everyone…  wow bold

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