Sunday, September 24, 2017

Max is definitely better than Prince Eric

These are my (very) random thoughts and reactions as I watched The Little Mermaid:
  • Eric is very cute, but nowhere near as cute as Max, the dog  
  • Sebastien and Eric’s butler have super similar personalities, I guess kings just like that type of person to hang around them
  •  I love Sabastian and the band
  •  how old is Ariel and flounder supposed to be?? Oh wait they just said it, she is 16
  • Oh no, anxiety please don’t go in that ship Ariel, there could be sharks
  •  I called it !! I’m with flounder, no sharks for me, NOT TODAY
  •  *shark swims by* NOPE SORRY ARIEL IM OUTTA HERE
  • I have noticed that red eyes emphasize the terror they are trying to portray
    •  But you know what else has red eyes? snakes, some vicious rabbits, rats, SATAN
  •  this shark attack scene really reminds me of the one in finding nemo, sunken ship, escaping through little hole, etc.– inspiration?
  • ·      Love scuttle, he is so funny, reminds me of a crazy, sometimes drunk, old uncle or relative that no one really knows how they are related to
  • ·      Eww creepy eels (flotsum, jetsum), whoop here’s Ursula! her voice is deeper than I remember
    • Although she is evil/complains about being starved and such, she still has makeup and accessories to make her look good – reminds me of southern grandma or 1920s club flapper dancer
  •  Close out on Ursula with focus on eyes à eyes seem to be a big part in movie (eels glowing eyes, red shark eyes, etc.)

  • ·      Flounder is the friend we all want that will stick up for us even when we deserve the punishment – stereotypical boy who hasn’t gone through puberty or is in the process
  • ·      Poor Sebastian doesn’t realize when to shut up – gets assigned to watch Ariel, karma?
  • ·      I don’t think I realized this but Sebastian is really passionate about music – he’s a composer, and I don’t think I put it all together until now- the songs he sings and everything
    • I think when I was younger I didn’t think much into his composing and such, I just thought he was the designated dude for that but really his position at court is composer and advisor
  • ·      The songs in this movie are wonderful: “The girl who has everything, look at this trove, treasures untold, how many wonders can one cavern hold? … Sure, she’s got everything, I’ve got gadgets and gizmos of plenty, I’ve got whosits and whatsits galore, you want thingamabob’s? I’ve got twenty…”
  • ·      This may be where my over usage of the word thingamabob came from, hmm
  • ·      If she is learning all of her human words from scuttle, how does she have some of them right? Like where did she learn the words street, fire, legs, and burn?
  • ·      Gosh I wish my hair looked like that underwater, instead of just a wet tangled noodle
  • ·      Ironic because she thinks men don’t reprimand their daughters on land when really it’s the opposite
    • Def a little bit of women’s support in here “bright young women, sick of swimming, ready to stand”
  • ·      Is flounder making that sad face because he wishes Ariel could have her dream of being on land? Or is he sad that she wants to leave so bad and she isn’t realizing that he can’t go with her and that he might lose her?
  • ·      “Ariel what is all this” “ugh it’s just my collection” - well that doesn’t sounds sketchy
  • ·      I’m the person who sits in the corner and pets max (the dog) at parties, so watching the dog run around and not having people pet him and dancing instead makes me sad
  • ·      Ariel lucked out 1) seeing Eric’s boat and 2) seeing Eric because most sailors are anywhere near as hot as he is
  • ·      I love Grimsby’s pettiness, I can relate with it
  • ·      Aww someone please help poor max. he’s the real star of the show
  • ·      Yes, Eric you save that ship !
  • ·      Dangit Eric, why did u have to get stuck like that … Wait wait yes ariel way to save him
  • ·      I will admit though that it is creepy that she is just staring at him
  • ·      Question: how long can a mermaid stay out of the water?
  • ·      Yesss max you are ok!! That’s all that really matters honestly (If it’s not obvious yet, I love dogs)
  • ·      Wait, wait, here comes the iconic moment ... yep cue the wave and Ariel’s gorgeous flowing hair
  • ·      I will give it to Ursula that she has mastered the evil laugh
  • ·      UNDER THE SEA!! Darling its better down where its wetter, take it from meeee
  • ·      Sebastien is so talented gosh
  • ·      Uh oh flounder I think is a bad influence, taking Ariel away from her life lesson concert
    • Ohhhhh I see why he took her away, ugh flounder is friend goals

  • ·      When I was little, this scene of King Triton destroying everything made me furious. But now that I’m older, I understand and probably would’ve done the same thing (well maybe not to that extent, but I would’ve punished her)
  • ·      Ursula is definitely the typical southern grandmother. Red lips and everything
  • ·      I hear a song coming along … POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULSSS
  • ·      Ok pausing the song, when she brings up the example of the two mer-people who came to see her (aka unfortunate souls) (the man was skinny and the girl was fat), I can see where Disney needed to fix their views a bit. But, there is the point that Ursula is evil and should be expressing the wrong views
  • ·      Ursula making Ariel decide between her family and a crush/love …  and is telling her that personality (her voice) is not as important as her looks and “body language” à I mean I guess since she’s evil it makes sense for her values to be messed up
  • ·      Another example of red eyes being creepy à during the process of Ariel changing, Ursula’s eyes turned red
  • ·      Ariel has to be so confused having legs now
  • ·      Aww Sebastian finally realized how special Eric is to her, way to go Sebastian
  • ·      Dangit Eric, even Max knows it’s her!! proof that Max is the real MVP
  • ·      Oh no Ariel that dingelhopper is not what u think it is, please put it down
  • ·      Go Sebastian Go!! you beat that murderous chef
  • ·      Aww Eric is falling in love with her …. but I do see a trend they are portraying that looks are very important when trying to get a guy (Sebastian says so, Ursula says so, etc.)
  • ·      Poor triton, don’t feel bad, you were just parenting her and she took it wrong (he did lose his temper though so there is that)
  • ·      I love this outfit on Ariel. She looks great in blue
  • ·      Omg when Ariel was driving Eric’s face was priceless
  • ·      Oh no, someone please stop Scuttle from singing, where is AH yes Sebastian u save that mood
  • ·      The most iconic song ever: Kiss the Girl  
  • ·      Wow. Probably one of the saddest moments ever when the boat tipped. Almost as depressing as Mufasa dying
  • ·      Go get her Eric go get… ugh no bad Ursula you’re cheating by putting him under that spell
  • ·      I would’ve slapped Eric right then and there for leading me on, that butthole
  • ·      Hmm maybe scuttle is useful...
    • he’s so funny “am I ever wrong… I mean when its important “ hahaha

  • ·      Omg she did not just kick max. OH HELL NO!  If I was Eric and saw that, I would’ve been like Nope, we done!
  • ·      Literally just got chills watching Eric and Ariel get together, but of course bad old Ursula has to get in the way
  • ·      And back where it all began, on a boat
    •  Oof wait that hurt, oh well goodbye Ursula!
  • Yes, Ariel work that dress! Gosh I wish I looked that good coming out of the water

1 comment:

  1. Fun Fact: Eric was my favorite Disney prince growing up *because* he had Max. That was very important to tiny-Me -- and revealed a lot about his character, I think. :)
