Sunday, September 24, 2017

Broken slipper? no problem

·      Here are my honest reactions and mental commentary to the film, Cinderella
  •     Just from the opening credits, you can tell how much time and effort went into making this film. The art and music grab you and enchant you from the beginning.
  • ·      Question: How do I become friends with cute little blue birds and have them wake me up? Because that sounds so much better than my current alarm clock situation
  • ·      This actress who plays Cinderella has a timeless voice. It is gorgeous and listening to her sing “A Dream is a Wish your Heart Makes” makes me feel just as entranced as the animals are.
  • ·      Did she really just say “kill joy”? Hahaha
  • ·      Serious question though: how do I become friends with these animals? They can make beds, give a bath, and even dress you! 
  • ·      She must have some major calve muscles if she has to go up and down those stairs every day
  • ·      OH I completely forgot how Gus Gus was introduced! Jacque and he are my favorites
    •    Also, never knew his real name was Octavius. How does Gus come from that?  
  • ·       Gosh their house is gorgeous. Reminds me of the castle in Frozen
  •       EWWWW Lucifer!! Not a cat fan. It’s very ironic and fitting that they named him after the devil himself. He even walks like he owns the place, stupid cat
    •     Aww little Gus Gus is so cute saying that he wanted to beat up Lucifer. I would put my money on him.
  •       I forgot that there was a dog in this movie!!! Bruno is adorable!! There is a reason they portray dogs as sweet and adorable versus cats as conniving and evil à it’s because that’s how they are in real life!! 

  • *Me when someone tells me to like cats*
    •     I had the exact same reaction Bruno did when Cinderella told him to like cats. A face that says, “haha you’re kidding right? Ew no way!”
    •     It also says a lot about cats when even Cinderella, the sweetest girl, can’t say anything nice about them. “Hmm, there must be something good about him.”
  • ·      Aww poor Jacque, please don’t get caught by Lucifer!
  • ·      Poor Gus he didn’t deserve to be beaten up by those darn chickens! Wait, oh no, LEAVE THE FOOD GUS!! 
  • ·      If someone yelled at me and rang a bell at the same time that much I would not be able to take it. I don’t know how she can be so nice to them.
  • ·      Gosh I would slap Anastasia, and then I would run away from all those darn chores that evil stepmother assigned
  • ·      I have noticed that Disney portrays all of their kings the same way: much older, has a peculiar assistant/advisor, wants their child to marry as soon as possible, and all have the same deep, kind voice
  • ·      Oh no, they have ruined the song sweet nightingale … wait, yes Cinderella you show them how to do it!
  • ·      Gosh these girls are annoying as hell. Cinderella deserves at least one-night off
  • ·      I forgot about this song!!!! “Cinderellie Cinderellie”
    •     Ok seriously, how do I find some of these animals?! They make dresses now!
  • ·      I love how the mice have this little accent that ends all their words in “-ie”
  • ·      Evil, evil Lucifer at it again! He just needs to be put in a cage and call it a day
  • ·      That was super nifty of Jacque to use Gus Gus’ tail to string beads
  • ·      “happy birthday” haha this is why I love Gus Gus
  • ·      NO STOP THAT! I would’ve gone full Mayweather on those stepsisters, I don’t know how Cinderella has taken them and their bratty behavior for this long
  • ·      How has she not noticed that she’s now crying on a woman’s lap?
  • ·      Disney portrays a lot of characters the same in most movies, I’ve noticed. All their fairies are sweet, older women and all their kings are older, and have a bit of a temper.  
  • ·      “Ah, now, well the first thing you need is” *Cinderella looks at dress* “A pumpkin” *Cinderella makes face that says,” I’m sorry, a what now?”*
  • ·      “Bibbity Bobbity Boo” – a classic song

  • ·      YES you go Gus Gus!! Great timing on the fairy Godmothers part turning him into a horse just at the right time to scare Lucifer off
  • ·      Cinderella has the greatest expressions. When the fairy godmother finally realized her dress was in tatters, she just shakes her head like,” mhhm, I was trying to tell you.”
  • ·      Gosh I wish I had a fairy godmother to dress me up in gorgeous gowns all the time
  • ·      Has the fairy godmother been rhyming this entire time? Wow, I’m impressed
  • ·      The one thing I dislike about this movie is the unrealistic expectations it gives you. Where is my prince who sweeps me off my feet and sings to me?
  • ·      What happened to this type of music? It’s gorgeous and so much better than all the pop and rap crap of today
  • ·      Aww Cinderella, ignorant girl, why didn’t you tell him your name? you were with the most attractive man for hours and never thought to tell him your name?
  • ·      Question: how does a shoe made of glass not break under one’s weight?  
  • ·      Of course Lucifer had to get in on the trouble and attack Gus Gus
    •     WAIT brilliant idea Cinderella! YAY Bruno! Another example of dogs being way better than cats. Adios Lucifer!
  • ·      I love how even the Duke doesn’t like the stepmother and her daughters. “I hope, I mean, I presume there are no more maidens in this household?”
  • ·      Stepmother strikes again, tripping the already beaten footman and breaking the darn shoe!
    •     Best expression of the movie yet is seeing Cinderella’s face while she pulls out the other shoe and then looks at her stepmother, who is in total shock. Just wonderful.

  •     The wedding was beautiful, as expected, but I am still upset at Disney for giving young girls (aka me) such high expectations for men. If I receive anything less than a royal ball and being swept off my feet while dancing, then I will be disappointed haha. 

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